You can still pretend to be a lawyer in certain situations. “All the world’s a stage”

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Great article, Noor. Looks to me like you made the right choice.

It's your life, and as long as you can afford to pay your bills, why not do what you want? You'll be happier in the long run. The stress of the lawyer job sounds horrendous.

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Thank you Wendy!

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Love this Noor. Another MM & I were talking about this article. The decision to leave is often not full of fanfare. But when the lightbulb goes on and you are ready to go, you go.

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Thank you Maria! I love when the words I write sparks conversation. So glad you came by and engaged.

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I’m cheering you on your journey. I cannot wait to read your novel!

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Good for you Noor. I tend to believe that we rarely "regret" taking risks (barring serious I jury, penury, etc.,). We may fail, yes, but life is both too short and too long to not chase the things we desire.

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Agree wholeheartedly. Thanks Evan!

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Jul 3Liked by Noor Rahman

Noor, well done on having the emotional capacity to step out of your prison of wage slavery to follow your passion. Mine is art, and my form of wage slavery was medicine. Unfortunately, in Britain, there is a huge national undercurrent of anti-intellectualism, to add to it’s rampant underlying and un-admitted racism. For lots of reasons, I had also had enough. Now I am trying to summon up the energy to move on with my art. Sister, I wish you the very best in your creative pursuits and look forward to reading your work when it is finally released to the world.

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Thanks for your encouragement! I am wishing you all the best in your art journey as well :)

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Jul 3Liked by Noor Rahman

P.S. Just re-reading my comment before posting it, I realise that Britain is very much like France regarding its un-admitted underlying racism.

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Congrats on taking the red pill. It's not an easy choice.

I love the way you've broken down what you're willing to endure for the thing you love, AND what you're willing to give up.

My dad always says, "You can have anything you want, but you can't have everything" - meaning: you have to choose, and every choice involves sacrifice.

I hate when he says that, but he's not wrong.

You did the hard work of looking at what you really want with clear eyes. And now you get to start a new adventure on your terms. I love that.

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Your dad sounds very wise, thank you for sharing that insight, and your encouragement!

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Jul 2Liked by Noor Rahman

The things you are writing are already impactful and encouraging! —I loved reading your work in class and I look forward to finding your updates in my inbox. Can’t wait to read your novel!!

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I'm so glad the universe put us in the same creative writing class Jade because I'm also a fan of your writing. I can't see yellow kitchens without thinking of you. How are your writing projects going?

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You have more courage than most to follow the truth in your mission. Can’t wait to read your novel.

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Thank you Michelle!

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